Seeking a challenging responsibility wore. Exp. Hard work and intelligence will be utilized to their full potential.
- “लोकप्रिय साहित्य लोकप्रिय है, घासलेटी नहीं”, Sahchar Tray-Mashik E-Patrika, ISSN- 2395-2873, April- June, 2016 (Peer Reviewed Journal).
- “लोकप्रिय साहित्य की प्रासंगिकता” Samsamaayik Srijan, ISSN- 2320-5733, July- September, 2016. (UGC Listed Journal), 2016.
- “कशी का अस्सी में धार्मिक पाखंड को बढ़ावा”, Transframe, ISSN- 2455- 0310 Vol- 2, Issue-5, May-June, 2017 (UGC Listed Journal).
- “धर्म बनाम मानवता का छद्म रूप” , SHODH Patrika, ISSN- 0970-1745, Vol- 97, Issue- February, 2018. (Peer Reviewed Journal).
- “वैश्वीकृत प्रमुख हिंदी उपन्यासों में मूल्यों का संक्रमण”, ADHIKAR Patrika, ISSN- 2231-2552, Vol- 08, Issue- 02, February, 2018. (Peer Reviewed Journal).
Workshop/Seminar/ Conferences:-
- “देवनागरी लिपि एवं हिंदी वर्तनी का मानकीकरण” Three-day for National Seminar, Organised by Central Hindi Directorate, Dept. of Higher Education, MHRD, Govt. of India, at SRCC Delhi University, 14, 15 & 16. March 2016. (Article Presentation).
- “छायावाद: सदर्भ सापेक्षता” One-day National Seminar, Organised by Nav Unnayan Sahitiyak Society Reg., Central Hindi Directorate, MHRD, Govt. of India. 16. March 2019. (Article Presentation).
- “कृष्णा सोबती का कथा साहित्य : विविध आयाम” One-day for National Seminar, Organised by Hindu Colege (Delhi University) & Samya Meemansa, 27. March, 2019. (Article Presentation).
- “फनीश्वरनाथ रेणु का साहित्य : भाषा और संवेदना” One-day International Webinar, Organised by Post Graduate Department of Hindi, M.D.D.M College, Muzaffarpur, NAAC & CPE Accreditrd, B.R.A. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur. 28. June, 2020. (For Participation).
- “राम चरित के विभिन्न आयाम” One-day National Webinar, Organised by Department of Hindi, J. D. Women’s College, Patliputra University, Patna. 27. July 2020. (For Participation).
- “भारतेंदु के आलोक में हिंदी भाषा और भविष्य का भारत” One-day National Webinar, Organised by Sahitya Vidyapeeth & Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha. 09. September, 2020. (For Participation).
- संस्कृति बोध का साहित्य : जयशंकर प्रसाद एवं सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी ‘निराला’ के विशेष संदर्भ में” Two-day International Webinar, Organised by Sahitya Vidyapeeth & Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha. 19- 20. February, 2021. (For Participation).
Academic Scholarships Awarded:-
- D. UGC Research Fellowship, 2015- 2019.
- L.A. Fund Scholarship by M.L.A. Badli Vidhan Sabha, Delhi, 2016- 2020.
- AARUSHI Financially Week Student Fund Scholarship, Aarishi N.G.O. Delhi, 2015-2020.
- Mangatram Sukhveer Garg Charitable Trust Student Scholarship, Delhi, 2015-2016
- Phil UGC Research Fellowship, 2012-2013.
- AARUSHI Financially Week Student Fund Scholarship, Aarishi N.G.O. Delhi, 2012-2013
- Mangatram Sukhveerchand Garg Charitable Trust Student Scholarship, Delhi, 2012-2013
- Delhi University Vice-Chancellor Student Scholarship, (University Hostel Fee, etc.) 2009-2011.
- Delhi University Vice-Chancellor student fund yearly scholarship, 2008-2011.
- Bihari Lal Ishwar Prashad Charitable Trust Scholarship, Delhi, 2010-2011.
- Hansraj College (Delhi University) Student Fund Yearly Scholarship 2009-2011.
- L.A. Fund Scholarship by M.L.A Badli Vidhan Sabha, Delhi, 2009-2011.
- Satyawati College Eve. (Delhi University) Student Fund Yearly Scholarship, 2006-2009.
Extra-Curricular Activities:-
- Hindi Month Celebrations-2017 Winner of „Aashubhashan Competition‟ as III Prize, at Hindi Section Pondicherry University.
- Hindi Month Celebrations-2017 Winner of „Antakshri Gayan Competition‟ as III Prize, at Hindi Section Pondicherry University.
- Editor “Satya” The College Magazine Satyawati College from Delhi University in 2007-2009.
- President: Arts and Culture Society (2008-2009).
- President: Hindi Sahitya Sabha (2008-2009).
- Secretary: National Service Scheme (2008-2009).
- Award Subject toper paper no. VII (Aadhunik Kavya Dhara) Annual Exam 2009.
- Award Subject toper paper no. IX (Bhartiya Bhasha Sahitya) Annual Exam 2009.
- Award subject toper paper no. XI (Hindi Patrakarita) Annual Exam 2009.
- Award Subject toper paper no. IV (Hindi Gadya Sathiya) Annual Exam 2008.
- S.S. Ten Days Camp with Delhi Based N.G.O. Aman Birandari “Dil Se” working for the Upliftment of street children who lost their childhood due to SOCI Economic reasons 2008-2009.
- S.S University of Delhi participate in Orientation Courses for student Leaders of N.S.S held on 26th & 27th Sept. 2008 at Ramjas College, University of Delhi.
- S.S. participation in a national symposium on “Regional identity and India ETHOS” 22nd Dec. 2008 at Shri Shaker Lal Concert Hall, University of Delhi.
- Arts and Culture society by perfuming Saraswati Vandana song at annual day function 18th March 2009.
- Winners singing competition as III Prize, 2008-2009.
- Winner of Story Competition as III Prize, 2008-2009.
- Winner of Poetry Competition as II Prize, 2008-2009.
- Secretary: Hindi Sahitya Sabha, 2007-2008.
- Secretary: Arts and Culture Society, 2007-2008.
- Educative Member: Debating Society, 2007-2008.
- Winners Hindi Poetry Recitation competition as III Prize, 2007-2008.